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职称英语理工类辅导资料:阅读理解Plant Gas(二)

2013-1-13  来自于:课评集

  2. To test whether plants are a sot,roe of methane,the scientists created

  A a oxygen-free environment.

  B an environment with the same concentration of oxygen as the Earth has.

  C a carbon dioxide-free environment.

  D an environment filled with the greenhouse gas.

  3. Which statement is true of the methane emissions of plants in the experiment?

  A The lower the temperature,the higher the amount of methane emissions.

  B I.iving plants release less methane than dried plants at the same temperature.

  C When exposed to sunlight,plants stop releasing methane.

  D The higher the temperature,the greater the amount of methane emissions.

  4. Which of the following about methane is Not mentioned in the passage?

  A Plants growing in soil release methane.

  B Plants growing in water release methane.

  C Soil microbes consume methane.

  D Microbes in plants produce methane.

  5. What is the beneficial point of some microbes consuming plant-produced methane?

  A Methane becomes less poisonous.

  B Methane is turned into a fertilizer.

  C Less methane reaches the atmosphere.

  D Air becomes cleaner.


  1. C 短文的第一和第二段都讲到,科学家过去曾经认为,沼气必须在无氧的环境中才能产生。注意,作者用的是过去式:Most scientists assumed that.……They had assumed that.……

  2. B 第三段第一句说,科学家使用密封的房间来做实验,房间里氧气的浓度与地球大气中的氧气浓度相仿。所以B句符合原文的意思,其他三个选择则不符合原文内容。

  3. D 根据第四和第五段的内容,只有D是正确的说法。温度越高沼气的释放量越高,有生命的植物释放的沼气远大于干植物的释放量,在阳光下,它们的沼气释放量是正常情况的三倍。

  4. D 最后两段告诉我们,无论在土壤中还是在水中生长的植物都能释放沼气,土壤中的微生物消耗沼气,使沼气不至于进入空气。所以A、B、C的内容均符合短文最后两段中作者的意思。D的内容短文中没有提到。

  5. C 最后一段的第二句可以找到本题的答案。