网站首页 > 复习资料 > 辅导资料 > 职称英语 > 综合类 > 职称英语综合类模拟试题:词汇选项According to

职称英语综合类模拟试题:词汇选项According to

2013-1-17  来自于:课评集


  1 According to some observers, television has acquired a disquieting monopoly over peoples leisure time.

  A recent

  B business

  C noisy

  D troubling

  2 Professor Smith continued his research work and disregarded his colleague’s advice.

  A ignored

  B deplored

  C explored

  D implored

  3 Before the development of movable metal type in the mid-fifteenth century, news was disseminated by word of mouth, by letter, or by public notice.

  A organized

  B requested

  C distributed

  D limited

  4 Corn, domesticated by the American Indians, was brought to Europe by Columbus.

  A trained

  B cultivated

  C implanted

  D reared

  5 Of all the wild dogs, none is more closely related to the domesticated dog than the wolf.

  A ordinary

  B tame

  C faithful

  D hunting

  参考答案:1. D2. A3. C4. B5. B

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