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职称英语综合类:完形填空The Ideal Husband

2013-2-24  来自于:课评集

  综合类:完形填空The Ideal Husband

  In the study by Daniel Kruger at the USs University of Michigan, 854 subjects viewed a series of ___3____ head shots that had been digitally changed to exaggerate or minimize masculine. traits2 They then ____ 4____ questions about how they expected the men in the photos to behave.

  Most participants said that those with more masculine features were ____5____ to be risky, competitive, and more apt to fight, challenge bosses, cheat on spouses and put less effort into parenting. Those with more feminine ___6___ were seen as good parents and husbands, hard workers and emotionally supportive mates.

  But, despite all the negative characteristics, when asked who they would choose for a short-term relationship, women selected the more masculine

  ___7___ men. Brad and George, both chiseled jaws and well-defined brows, then would be good for a ___8____ romance, not for something longer.

  The study was published in the December issue of the US journal Personal Relationships.

  Kruger said that from an evolutionary perspective, this ___9___ sense. The key is testosterone, the hormone responsible ___10___ the development of masculine facial features and other sexual characteristics. It has been found to affect the bodys ability to fight disease: men with high levels of the hormone are typically ___11___ and healthy - traits women want to pass on to their children.

  However, increased testosterone has also been linked to ___12___ and violence in relationships. So, these men ___13___ produce high quality offspring, but they dont always make great parents or faithful mates, Kruger says.

  The scientific community3 have ___ 14____ skepticism toward physiognomy, which links facial characteristics to certain behavioral traits. But Kruger argues that the research is a valuable tool for understanding mating strategies. And, of course, for explaining why Tony Leung and Takeshi Kanesshiro have millions of female ___15___ . It might have to do with their genes. Or something to do with ours.


  masculine  adj.男性的 feminine  女性的

  chiseled  v.轮廓清晰的 testosterone  n.睾丸激素

  hormone  n. 荷尔蒙 physiognomy   n. 观相术


  1. well-defined brow ridges 轮廓清晰的眉骨

  2. digitally changed to exaggerate or minimize masculine traits 通过数字化使得男性特征变得更突出或更不显眼一些。

  3. The scientific community 学术界

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