网站首页 > 复习资料 > 辅导资料 > 职称英语 > 卫生类 > 职称英语卫生类:词汇选项turn up

职称英语卫生类:词汇选项turn up

2013-9-10  来自于:课评集

  卫生类:动词短语turn up

  turn up开大,出席,出现

  take up开始学,从事,占据

  eat up吃完

  tear up撕碎

  make up构成,组成

  join up联结起来,参军

  come up上来,长出,出现

  throw up呕吐

  look up查找,找出

  catch up赶上

  fix up修理,安排,装置

  hold up耽搁,使停顿

  ring up打电话

  divide up分配

  动词 through

  get through通过,干完,接通电话

  go through审阅,检查,学习

  see through识破

  pull through渡过危机,康复

  look through 翻阅,看一遍,仔细查看

  put through接通电话

  check through核对

  动词 with

  deal with处理,对付

  meet with遇到,遭受

  agree with同意,与……一致

  combine with与……相联合

  do with处理,需要

  talk with同……交流

  compare with与……相比

  equip with以……装备

  cover with用……覆盖

  end with以……结束

  provide with 以……供给

  begin with以……开始

  supply with以……供给

  play with 玩,玩弄

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